Thursday, January 5, 2012


I just made a small batch of brown sugar vanilla body scrub.  I found the recipe on Pinterest, changed it a bit, and made some for me.  It uses brown sugar, white sugar, sunflower oil (I changed it to Coconut Oil, because it smells good.) and vanilla extract.  (Sidebar: I may need a Pintervention.  Lately, all my non child rearing and job hunting activities revolve around crafts and/or foods I've found on Pinterest.)

So, I made up my little batch and used it just on my hands as a test. My hands feel super soft and smell delish!  It's a bit greasy, due to the oil, but it absorbs quickly and leaves hands feeling soft and moisturized.  I recommend using the coconut oil.  It's in solid form at room temp, but melts in your hand.  You have to melt it first, and mix before it solidifies. 

I used a small plastic container that I got from the Family Dollar to store it. (A two pack of the containers cost me $1 so I felt it was a good investment. My crafting budget is small.  Or, nonexistent.)  I don't expect it to last long, since I quartered the recipe, so I didn't feel the need to buy a glass container.  Besides, glass in my shower?  No thanks, I'm a klutz.  If I give it as a gift, I'll probably get some cute containers to give it in and let that person determine if glass is allowed in their shower.  Maybe other people don't have a case of the dropsies like I do, but I don't think I'd recommend it. 

Best part of this project?  Husband asked me if he could put it on toast after I told him what the ingredients were.  I told him to go for it.  Technically, it's all edible.  He'd do it, though, so maybe I should hide it.  After all, I want to use it myself! (Please don't eat this, if you make it. It's not for consumption.)

Here's the link for the real recipe: Brown Sugar Vanilla Scrub
I didn't take any pictures of mine, because I didn't think of it until everything was cleaned up.  Since my container is not as cute, I figured you all didn't need to see it.  :)

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